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    Artificial Synthetic Lawn Turf

    lawns &
    pet areas

    We understand the relief homeowners experience when they can avoid the ins-and-outs of traditional lawn care. It’s often difficult to find the right blend of sun, shade, rainfall, and temperature to bring out the best in your natural grass. With our artificial grass, you’re taking the guesswork out of the equation. Our lawn turf stays looking great year-round no matter what the weather brings. You get a natural look that feels comfortable underfoot, and with our advanced materials, it will last for years with little to no wear and tear.

    Why Choose
    Southwest Greens?

    No More Mess

    With an artificial turf lawn, the days of kids and pets dragging mud in the house are gone! Not to mention the mess that goes along with needing to mow, irrigate, fertilize, spray, etc! 

    Increase Property Value

    An artificial lawn can increase your property value. Especially on lots with a relatively small yards. 

    Entertain Friends and Family

    Artificial turf lawns are perfect for entertainment. The party doesn't have to stick to the patio. You and your guests can use the whole yard without the fear of dirt, tripping in holes, etc.


    Artificial lawns don't require the vast amounts of water, chemicals, and fertilizers that natural lawns need. 

    The turf is also recyclable at the end of it's 20+ year life.

    Golf ball on the lawn.jpg

    premium materials
    made in usa

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